Displaced Communities

displaced by Hitler & Stalin; 95%+)

(over 200,000 expelled, imprisoned, displaced, emigrated; 98.5% total)

VOLGA GERMANS (over 400,000 expelled by Soviets to Kazakhstan)

DUTCH GERMANS (3,691 expelled,
15% of German population)

(100-200,000 expelled after WWI)

(over 3,000,000 expelled
and displaced; 95% total)

(over 100,000 expelled, over
300,000 displaced; 88% of total)

(over 700,000 or 91.5% displaced by Hitler, USSR, & emigration)

US Internment of German-Americans, Japanese, & Italians
(10,906+ interned & blacklisted) NEW!

(over 5,000,000 expelled and displaced, nearly 100%) COMING SOON

(nearly 1,000,000 to Germany and Kazakhstan) COMING SOON

Other Information


(documentaries, interviews, speeches)

Follow us on FACEBOOK NEW!
(for updates, events, announcements)

hd "Reactions of the British Public and Press to the Expulsions" NEW!

hd "British Humanitarian Responses - or lack thereof - to German Refugees" NEW!

dfj "British Political Responses to the German Refugee Crisis during Occupation" NEW!

From Poland, to Czechoslovakia, to Occupied Germany: My Flight from the Red Army to the West
(memoir about wartime flight & Jewish, Polish, & German daily life near Auschwitz) NEW!

Daily Diary of Forced Labor in the Mines of Soviet Ukraine NEW!

The problem of classifying German expellees as a 'genocide'

Why the German, Czech, and Polish governments reject expellee commemoration

Distorted historical memory and ethnic nationalism as a cause for forgetting expellees

Ethnic bias and nationalist revisionism among scholars as a cause for forgetting expellees

The History and Failure of Expellee Politics and Commemoration NEW!

Expellee scholarship on the occupations of Czechoslovakia and the Sudetenland, 1918-1945

Sexual Violence and Gender in Expellee Scholarship and Narratives

Comparative Genocide Table

Suggested Resources & Organisations

The Staff/Contact Us

In Memoriam: Your Expellee
Relatives & Survivors

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How to support German expellees / expellee political lobbies

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your donations to the institute

All donations to the advancement of the Institute for Research of Expelled Germans are tremendously appreciated and used entirely for the maintenance, administration, and improvement of the organisation and its website. It is difficult to sustain a website with a great deal of monthly traffic with no paid advertisement. As we are one of the few and most prominent organisations documenting and raising awareness of the expelled Germans to both German and non-German audiences, it is important to spread links to our website as vociferously as possible. No personal information, addresses, or information will be resold, and no email addresses or names are redistributed without approval. In fact, donations via Paypal make it impossible for us to even know your personal banking or credit information at all. Paypal is preferred. All currencies are allowed. The Paypal email address of the Institute is director@expelledgermans.org, made out to Director James Mayfield. If you have a specific preference for how you would like your donation spent, feel free to include your instructions when making the donation.

Please note that these donations are personal, are not tax-accredited as a charitable donation, and are solely devoted to supporting the website and the Institute.

The Institute for Research of Expelled Germans is a completely apolitical organization with NO AFFILIATION to political lobbies, expellee groups, or legal pressure organizations. *Therefore, we do not assist expellees.*

If you wish to make a donation directly to honoring or supporting the commemoration of expelled Germans, donate money or support to relevant government and legal proponents. The Federation of Expellees (Bund der Vertriebenen) and the Prussian Trust are two political lobbies in Germany funding restitution and commemoration interests. The Centre Against Expulsion (Zentrum gegen Vertriebung) is a generalized museum foundation being organised in Germany to commemorate the tragedies of expulsion in general, but plans to devote a portion to the over 10,000,000 expelled Germans. You can also contact or donate to the leading organisation for expelled Volga Germans and Germans in Kazakhstan, the Deutsch-Kasachstanische Assoziation der Unternehmer.

If you would like to submit a dedication to an individual or relatives related to the expulsions for our In Memoriam page (along with a photograph), please inform us of your request in an email.